Sidecar showdown

3 min read


New era for Birchall with rivals Founds and Crowe pushing hard

Same but very different for Ben Birchallc


When Peter Hickman, John McGuinness and Co. say that the most impressive thing they saw at TT 2023 was the first 120mph laps set in a sidecar (see page 22) you know the class deserves your attention.

In what was a breakthrough year, Ben and Tom Birchall continued their race winning streak in style with a record-breaking 120mph lap. But incredibly the men that have won 15 of the last 17 sidecar TTs weren’t the only ones with FHObacked duo Pete Founds and Jevan Walmsley also achieving the incredible milestone en route to second position.

Along with the Crowe brothers, Ryan and Callum, the competition for wins and podiums will be more intense than ever. Especially given some big moves ahead of this year’s event. The key change as far as serial winner Ben Birchall goes is that he will be without his brother Tom as his passenger, with Tom retiring from competition. Ben remains completely committed to not only continuing, but winning and moved fast to sign Kevin Rousseau to be his new passenger.

Speaking to MCN, Birchall said: “Tom’s news was a shock and when it came to replacing him, Kevin was the only choice. But I had to move fast because he’s hot property in the sidecar world. I’ve known him for a lot of years, he’s dead professional, fit and super keen. He said yes before I’d even finished my pitch to him and I’m thrilled.”

While Birchall has lost the crucial continuity with his passenger, he is running the same (but refined) Honda powered outfit that he debuted in 2023. Given his pedigree, he will start as favourite, but remains under no illusion as to how hard it will be and what will be needed to stay on top.

“A lot more,” Birchall states. “Once one team and then another go over a certain barrier, more will follow. It’s going to be tough, the last three or four years have got tougher. The longer you dominate, the harder it gets. I’m under no illusion – people are gunning for us. There are no excuses. We’re going racing and I’m up for a fight and I know Kevin is too.”

No1 on the list of teams gunning for them will be Founds and Walmsley who have continued to close the gap to the front and are part of the Isle of Man’s very exclusive 120mph sidecar club.

“The 120mph lap was the icing on the cake for us,” Founds said. “I was something like 8-10 seconds down on Ben and Tom so knew I wasn’t going to make that up, but I knew I wasn’t going to be riding round the Mountain Course for another 12 months so got my head down.

“Ben obviously has a new passenger t