‘street food, but all local’

1 min read

Baffle Haus is so good they need asecond venue

Ride further in 2024 with alittle help from our one-stop event guide

No wonder they need a second venue


Nestled in the winding roads of south Wales, Baffle Haus makes for the perfect biking destination. After it boomed onto the scene during the pandemic, its popularity has blossomed exponentially. So much so that it can be hard to find space in the car park at the weekends, and the outdoor food offering is being brought inside to ensure hungry bikers can grab all the eats they need as well as a good chat.

“We had over 400 orders in a day over Easter weekend alone,” says co-owner Andrew ‘Salts’ Salter. “It’s fast street food but all local produce with a lot of homemade sauces. At the moment we’ve got an outdoor ‘Fuel Station’ kitchen container. But we’re near completion of building a new kitchen inside. Fingers crossed we can expand the menu a little bit and offer more specials – they are always really good.”

But that’s not the only work taking place right now. In fact, there is a whole new location being created (Old Post, Swansea Road, Bonvilston,Cardiff CF5 6TQ) which promises more space, more parking… and more Baffle.

With a completion date set for later in the year (the aim is September) during th