Finger on the button

2 min read


Yamaha aim for smoother shifting with new button-operated semi-automatic system

Yamaha are the latest large manufacturer to join the transmission tech arms race, revealing a semi ‐automatic gearbox system said to improve dynamic and sporty riding.

KTM and BMW have recently teased semi-automatic prototype designs, with the hope of stealing sales from Honda’s ever ‐popular Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT) series which debuted in 2010.

But where previous designs have tended to focus more on practicality and ease of use, the button ‐operated Yamaha Automated Manual Transmission (Y-AMT) is said to revolve more around performance bikes and weighs just 2.8kg.

Y-AMT will be coming to a range of bikes in the future, but Yamaha claims it shifts faster than a manual box – even with a quickshifter.

Yamaha say it enables the rider to pay greater attention to throttle and brake application, as well as “focus on their body position and weight distribution through the pegs”.

Have it your way

Shifting preferences can be tailored, with a choice of finger and thumb ‐operated manual shifting or a fully automatic mode.

The ‘MT’ function works by using two electronic actuators that take care of the clutch application and gear shifting for you – meaning no need for either control. What’s more, Yamaha say it makes the bike no wider when installed.

Y-AMT works with the ride-bywire throttle, allowing for the integration of riding modes and cruise control, too.

Although there will be no need to pull a clutch lever, manual mode will mean riders control gear shifts by toggling two switchgear ‐mounted paddles, marked ‘+’ and ‘-’.

The switchgear block has been designed so that during sporty riding, your thumb can remain on the bars for maximum control, and shifting can be taken over entirely by the index finger by pushing and pulling on the lever.