The most effective ways to deal with dry eyes

1 min read

Our expert shares ways to manage the condition and reduce discomfort


Be sure to take screen breaks to rest your eyes.

Q Recently my eyes seem to be watering constantly. I don’t have allergies or hay fever, but my eyes still feel like they are burning by the end of the day and. At my last eye test the optometrist said my eyes were dry but how can they be correct, when they are constantly wet?

A Watery eyes are actually a symptom of dry eyes, so your optometrist may well be correct. Your eyes are covered by the tear film, and dry eyes are due to either not producing enough tears or the tears evaporating too quickly. This can then lead to symptoms like itching, burning or stinging and your eyes feeling gritty or scratchy and looking red.

Your eyes watering may be a response to dry eyes as they try to relieve the symptoms by producing more tears.

The cause of dry eyes isn’t always known but it can be related to medications, menopause or environmental factors such as smoky or dusty atmospheres, or spending time in air-conditioned/heated rooms.

Even looking at a screen for a prolonged period can worsen dry eyes, so be sure to take screen breaks to rest your eyes.

Some contact lenses can worsen dry eyes and there may be altern

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