Best bad habits for good health

2 min read

No need to feel guilty about these rebellious actions – discover how they’re actually beneficial to you!

Shunning Showers

Your daily shower may be your morning wake-up call – but research shows that there is such a thing as being too clean! Daily showering strips away natural oils from the skin and hair, oils which help to trap moisture and also provide a protective shield against dirt, pollution and bacteria. Save water, reduce your electricity bill and give your skin and hair a break by reducing the number of showers you have.

Skipping Breakfast

If you don’t enjoy eating early in the morning, swap breakfast for brunch. “There’s no single best mealtime for everyone,” stresses clinical pharmacist Mike Wakeman. “But keeping consistent meal schedules appears to be linked to weight loss, increased energy and a reduction in chronic disease risk factors. Prioritise fruit, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and protein on your brunch plate. If you can’t get enough fruit, CurraNZ blackcurrant supplement (£23.99) provides a host of health and wellness benefits.”

Doing Absolutely Nothing

Being unproductive every now and again allows your brain to recover from all the stresses and strains of everyday life. But how often do you devote a day to wasting time? In today’s busy world, the opportunity to count the clouds, watch five hours of Below Decks and rearrange your books into alphabetical order rarely comes along – so make it happen. Schedule a day in your diary for doing nothing more taxing than taking it easy and chilling out!

Giving In To Chocolate


“Chocolate contains cocoa, which is a rich source of antioxidants that help reduce the risk of many diseases,” explains nutritionist Rob Hobson, head of nutrition at Healthspan. “It also contains a compound that amplifies the brain’s ‘feel good’ hormones.” If chocolate’s your weakness, choose dark varieties with a high percentage of cocoa solids. “However,” stresses Rob, “it still needs to be eaten in moderation.”


Do you have ants in your pants? Need to be doing something at all times? Are you a thumb-twiddler? Or a toe-tapper? Don’t apologise. Thanks to your constant fidgeting, you’re burning an extra 350 calories every day! Studies by obesity expert James Levine of the Mayo Clinic found that fidgeting speeds up metabolism, boosting the body’s ability to convert fat into energy.

Talking Too Much

Chatting to friends and family – even if it turns into a good old gossip – is one of the best possible ways of expressing feelings and relieving stress,

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