1 chicken, 7 meals!

4 min read

Enjoy a roast, then take your pick from our tasty recipes for the leftovers – or freeze some of the meat to make all of them!

Pasta Con Avanzi

506 Calories per serving

Ingredients (Serves 2)

◆ 200g your favourite pasta

◆ Salt and freshly ground black pepper

◆ 400g passata with herbs

◆ 40g pitted black olives, chopped

◆ 150g cooked chicken, chopped

◆ 250g leftover cooked vegetables, chopped

◆ 1tsp caster sugar

◆ Pinch of dried chilli flakes

1 Cook the pasta in lightly salted boiling water as directed. Drain and keep warm.

2 Meanwhile, pour the passata into a saucepan and add the remaining ingredients. Season to taste and heat through gently, stirring until simmering, then cook gently for 3-4min until piping hot.

3 To ser ve, pile the pasta into bowls and top with the sauce. Sprinkle with fresh basil to ser ve.

Quick Quesadillas

412 Calories per serving

Ingredients (Serves 2)

◆75g cooked chicken, chopped

◆ 150g cooked leftover vegetables, chopped

◆ 4 spring onions, trimmed and chopped

◆ 6 cherry tomatoes, chopped

◆ 1tsp fajita seasoning

◆ 2 large soft flour tortillas

◆ 50g grated reduced fat Cheddar cheese

◆ 1tsp vegetable oil

1 Put the chicken in a saucepan with the vegetables, half the spring onion, tomatoes and seasoning. Cover and heat through gently, stirring occasionally, for 5-6min until hot.

2 Lay a tortilla on a board and spread the chicken mixture on top to within 1cm of the edge. Sprinkle with cheese and put the other tor tilla on top.

3 Brush a large frying pan with oil and heat until hot. Carefully slide the tortilla sandwich into the pan, reduce to a medium heat and cook for 1-2min until crisp and golden.

4 Slide the tortilla back on to the board, then flip back into the pan the other side up and cook for a fur ther 1-2min until golden. Ser ve immediately, cut into wedges, accompanied with tomato salsa and remaining spring onions.

Roast Chicken With Autumn Vegetables

334 Calories per serving

Ingredients (Serves 2)

◆2kg whole oven-ready chicken (price check – £4.49 from ALDI)

◆ Salt and freshly ground black pepper

◆ 1tsp each ground cumin and smoked paprika

◆ A small bunch each of rosemary, thyme and sage

◆ 3tbsp olive oil

◆ 1 each large red, green and yellow pepper, deseeded and thickly sliced

◆ 2 large red onions, peeled and thickly sliced

◆ 400g prepared butternut squash, cut into 1cm thick chunks

◆ Garlic granules, to taste

◆ 1 large courgette, trimmed and thickly sliced

1 Place the chicken on a board. Season and rub in the spices. Push some herbs into the cavity. Leave to stand for 20min. Preheat the oven to 190°C, Fan 170°C, Gas Mark 5.

2 Lay a few herbs in the centre of a roasting tin and sit the chi

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