The revenger of bingley

7 min read

What was Lor going to do for her next star turn?



I’ve been offered the Duchess in The Revenger’s Tragedy – that’s with Bingley – only rehearsals clash with Lanzarote.” The striking woman with glowing auburn hair tapped her mobile. “I’m waiting to hear if they can make it work.

“But then Shipley have offered me Hello, Dolly! which is rather lovely.”

She made a flamboyant gesture implying weighty choices to be made.

Neither Pat, Liz nor Thelma had to ask which part their friend Lor had been offered in Hello, Dolly!. In the am-dram circles of the Aire Valley she was something of an A-lister.

“So, everything’s good with you?” ventured Thelma tentatively.

Lor certainly looked her usual striking self – vivid maroon scarf, magenta lips, abundant hair. More than one person in the Thirsk Garden Centre coffee shop was wondering if she was maybe a media figure or minor celebrity.

She cut a vivid figure that dull March morning, a vibrant contrast to her friends – Liz in her old green fleece, Thelma sporting her beige winter cardigan, and Pat whose own auburn roots were in definite need of some attention.

“I’m fine, my love! Absolutely fine!”

Thelma who had seen, and admired, many of Lor’s performances over the years thought the line was delivered to perfection. Brave and assertive, with that hint of dark sadness underneath.

How long was it since Carter the set designer had thrown Lor over for that younger actress from the Shipley Players? Six months? A year?

Time went by so quickly.

It had to be at least eight years since they’d all worked together at St Barnabus Primary school, before Lor had divorced and relocated to Bingley.

That was, to the best of Thelma’s knowledge, two if not three flings ago. Tactfully, she decided the wisest course was not to venture onto the thin ice that was Lor’s love life.

Liz, however, had no such scruples.

“We were all right sorry to hear about you and that Carter,” she said.

Lor’s smile was a blend of sadness and bravery.

“Ah well,” she said. “Water under the bridge and all that.” She looked at her three ex-colleagues, her face suddenly serious. Very serious.

“But talking of Carter . . . Something strange has happened. Something I wanted to ask you three about.”

“What sort of strange?” asked Pat.

“Finding-an-unconscious-man-in-your-flat strange.”

Lor sat back, regarding

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