The appointment

10 min read

For Connie’s sticky situation, professionals were needed – but they came at a price...



It was one of those typical May mornings – sweet-smelling and bright. As Connie left the house, she noticed the first roses opening from their buds and embracing the early sunshine. Summer had arrived at last. The air was warm and comforting against her skin. It was an encouraging sign all would go well today.

Mrs Constance Mackenzie – her full name – had chosen her outfit carefully. People judged by appearance, and she was not going to miss the opportunity to gain Mr Guiver’s services simply because she was wearing the wrong outfit.

She opted for a blue fitted dress and fine beige tights, and finished the outfit with a well-cut cream jacket. Mr Guiver had excellent reviews and she wanted the very best. Only someone with years of experience would do.

It was an impressive building, as she guessed it would be. The waiting room was plain but elegant. She sat upright in her chair and took in her surroundings – pale grey walls interrupted here and there by seascape oil paintings, probably originals. The chairs were soft, high-backed, expensive.

There was a coffee machine in the corner, small packets of sugar-free biscuits and a selection of fruit in glass bowls. The faintest sound of background music filtered into the waiting room, classical and soothing. She took a deep breath and congratulated herself again on finding Mr Stanley Guiver, Private Investigator. He would solve her problem. It would come at a cost, no doubt, but money didn’t come into it. She needed to hire the very best.

It wasn’t long before the heavy wooden doors were opened by Mr Guiver himself.

“Good morning, Mrs Mackenzie. Please come in.” The man smiling from a small, pinched mouth was as tall and upright as his chairs. “Please – sit down. Can I get you a coffee or soft drink of some sort? Water perhaps?” His voice was pleasant, but professional.

“No thank you, I’m fine.”

“I’ve read your letter thoroughly, Mrs Mackenzie. I’m sure I’ll be able to help you, but I’ll need a few more details.”

Connie nodded her head. “Of course. What is it you need to know?”

“Mainly dates and times, if you’re able. Any information regarding places would be helpful.”

“The places vary, I’m afraid, but the time is always the same. The date is always the first Saturday of the month.”

“I see.” He jotted down a fe

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