Anthea turner how i see it...

1 min read

Love, Anthea X



Last week I wrote to you while bobbing up and down on a beautiful boat in the Galapagos islands with a heron sitting on the roof.

This week not so glam – a café in Guayaquil Airport, Ecuador on my way to Madrid then home to Heathrow. We should have been home over 24 hours ago but, due to some very unfortunate circumstances we ended up delayed, with a grounded plane, a hotel stay and a missed connection.

What was a shock to me was the way that some of the other passengers reacted. Screaming, shouting, banging on the desk and, threatening staff, it was a crazy scene.

However, those of us who kept calm got our reward when it came to dishing out hotel vouchers. The aggressors got sent to a budget hotel while our team and some others got to stay in five-star luxury – a small but significant victory!

Beat Fatigue

Our action-packed trip, which included snorkelling and hiking, has knocked the stuffing out of me. Batteries are low and I definitely need to top up. So, I’ll be all over Our A-Z Guide on beating fatigue!

While travelling I drink water infused with electrolytes and tonight I’ll be dreaming of a magnesium bath to assist a restful sleep. You can buy the bath salts from most chemists and I highly recommend them.

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