All about you!

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The place to share your news, views, thoughts and dreams… and especially the photos that make you smile

Bella, Sit . . .

Making herself at home

This is my “doggy niece”, Bella, relaxing on the sofa.

Can you believe she just decided to sit like this independently? I hope this picture raises a smile among all your readers!

S.J., Morley

Feathered Friend

Keeping a beady eye on the TV

My lovely goose Yoshi loves to watch TV and hang out with her human pals. Yoshi was hatched from an egg given to her adoptive chicken mother Regina, and she is an important member of our family. She always makes us smile and laugh. She loves to tug on shoelaces, steal our cats’ food right out of their bowls, and even sings a happy song while she eats.

Claire Phillips, Lisburn

Face In The Forest

The moss man cometh…

When walking through the woods I came face to face with this surprised-looking tree. It’s as if it’s saying, “What are you doing in this neck of the woods?” Maybe a Dryad?

Marilyn Bradley, West Yorkshire

Morning Has Broken

Capturing the moment



I captured this stunning sunrise on my early morning walk over the fields. Luckily, my friend also took a photo of me taking a photo of this beautiful event!

Claire Ferris, Studley

Riverside Reflections

A new perspective

I love this picture I took of a house with its reflection in the river. I am lucky to live in such a lovely part of London.

Simon Lunt, Willesden

A Holiday Paradise

So many scenic trails

We loved our holiday to New Zealand. The fauna and flora are breathtakingly beautiful. Here I am near Coromandel taking in the views.

Abby Bryn, Anfield

Walking For Mum

Marking Marjorie’s milestone

June 18 last year would have been my late mother Marjorie’s 100th birthday.

Although she passed away in 2009, I wanted to mark the occasion in some special way. So, I decided I would walk 100 miles – a mile for every year since her birth. I walked a few miles each day with my daughter Ruth. We set up a JustGiving page to see if we could raise £100 for Macmillan Cancer Care. By the end of June we had completed our 100 miles and raised well over £500!

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