Entertaining bites

7 min read

With the Euros kicking off this week, enjoy some summer party food served indoors or outdoors – no cutlery required . . .



Spicy Carrot Madeleines

Ingredients (Serves 6)

◆ 180g plain flour

◆ 2tsp baking powder

◆ 1½tsp ground turmeric

◆ Onion salt

◆ 120ml plant or dairy milk

◆ 70g plant or dairy butter, melted

◆ 225g cooked carrots, smoothly mashed

◆ 75g reduced fat soft cheese

◆ 75g reduced calorie mayonnaise

◆ 25g smooth mango chutney

◆ 2tsp mild curry powder

◆ Black onion seeds and fresh coriander,
to serve

1 Preheat the oven to 190°C, 170°C Fan, Gas Mark 5. Grease 18 madeleine tins or jam tart tins. Sift the flour, baking powder, turmeric and onion salt to season into a bowl, and make a well in the centre.

2 Gradually blend in the milk and butter to make a thick batter. Stir in 125g carrot. Spoon into the tins, smooth the tops and bake for about 25 minutes until risen and firm. Cool on a wire rack.

3 To serve, mix the remaining ingredients together along with the remaining carrot. Season and serve as a dip to accompany the madeleines, sprinkled with onion seeds and coriander.


Calories per serving

Smoky Bacon And Pecan Muffins

Ingredients (Serves 12)

◆ 225g plain flour

◆ 2tsp baking powder

◆ 1tsp salt

◆ 1½tsp smoked paprika

◆ 2 medium eggs, beaten

◆ 60ml plant or dairy milk

◆ 60ml sunflower oil

◆ 3tbsp maple syrup

◆ 50g cooked smoked bacon, finely chopped

◆ 65g pecans, finely chopped

◆ 150g full fat soft cheese

◆ Chopped parsley, to serve

1 Preheat the oven to 200°C, 180°C Fan, Gas Mark 6. Line 12 fairy cake tins with paper cases. Sift the flour, salt and smoked paprika into a bowl.

2 Make a well in the centre and add the egg, milk, oil and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup. Gradually mix to form a smooth batter. Stir in the bacon and 50g pecans.

3 Divide between the cases, smooth the tops and bake for about 20 minutes until risen and firm to the touch. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

4 To serve, mix the remaining maple syrup into the soft cheese. Use a skewer to work a 2cm diameter hole in the centre of each muffin and pipe the cream cheese inside along with a little on top. Sprinkle with remaining pecans and chopped parsley.


Calories per serving

Lemony Chicken And Prawn Sticks

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