Fancy that!

1 min read

Facts to make you go“WOW!”



WOW! There is a cell in the base of the Elizabeth Tower specifically for locking up MPs who cause trouble in Parliament! Charles Bradlaugh was the last to spend a night there in 1880.

◆ The world’s biggest bell – the Tsar Bell, in the Kremlin – has never been rung as it broke during construction.

The hot air balloon was invented by brothers Joseph and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier in 1783.

◆ The “Siberian unicorn” was a prehistoric rhino that died out 39,000 years ago.

◆ The Wimbledon Tennis Championship had its highest single day attendance – 46,826 people – in 2009.

The London Underground has 408 escalators and 112 lifts.

◆ Approximately 10% of all weddings worldwide take place in June.

Stingray was the first British TV series to be filmed in colour – three years before any UK station broadcast in colour.

◆ The Amazon was named by Francisco de Orellana after he encountered a tribe of women warriors who reminded him of the Amazons, female warriors from Greek mythology.

◆ Glover’s Roll, drawn up in the 1250s, was Britain’s first “roll of arms”, cataloguing 55 coats of arms.

◆ Britain’s biggest reservoir is Rutland Water in Cambridgeshire, which holds 128 million cubic metres of water.

◆ June’s full moon is known as the “Strawberry Moon” – like as its arrival coincides with ripening berries!

◆ The toupées William Shatner wore in the original Star Trek se

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