The thanks i get

2 min read

Chris receives a masterclass in the art of feline revenge!

Chris Pascoe’s Fun Tales


All those readers out there who live with cats, can you tell me – do they worry you slightly?

Do you perhaps suspect that behind those cute pointy-eared little faces, there lurks a plan for vengeance and retribution?

Making an educated guess, I’d say that if you live with a cat, you probably like cats, otherwise the arrangement would be odd.

The same symbiotic relationship can be applied to dog lovers, although I’ve never really got on with my goldfish.

Back to cat owners, though – I’d also carry on to suggest that you probably afford your cat’s every available luxury, lavishing your time, money and adoration on them.

And obviously they want revenge on you for this.

This vengeance factor seems to be true of quite a few cats. Yes, Tottie, my tortie friend, glaring across the room at me from your pile of cushions, I am talking about you.

However, some cats definitely take these things to another level.

I first became aware of the ultra-revenge trait when a new cat-sitting client told me that, whenever he went away on business for a few days, his normally loving and placid Miley Cyprus (I’m not exactly sure why she came to be named that) would take violent and decisive retaliatory action on his return.

The best example came with her climbing above him on to a high shelf as he sat on the loo.

She then proceeded to push every single item from the shelf straight down on to his head.

This wasn’t any old sulky reaction to him leaving her – this was a blitz.

He later said that he could’ve coped with most of what hit him, including a photo of Miley herself that ended up on the floor staring accusingly up at him.

However, he would have fared a lot better had the lid not come off a falling tub

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