Piano man

10 min read

The romantic plights of two young women align centuries apart. What can they learn from this Victorian piano?



Hi, Mum. Thought I’d drop by to see how it’s going,” Sophie said. Lyn lowered the volume of the ’70s music playing through her phone and removed her dust mask.

“Hello, love. I’m just doing some sanding. I thought it best to wait until the piano tuner’s been before doing too much.”

Sophie ran her hand over the mahogany lid covering the piano keys. Despite her cottage’s already cluttered lounge, she had a penchant for neglected furniture, and the upright Victorian piano was her latest acquisition. Lyn could understand the appeal. The wood was solid, and the panel above the keyboard was adorned with intricate carved floral motifs and scrollwork.

“Thanks for doing this, Mum,” Sophie said, breaking into Lyn’s musings.

“I’m enjoying it,” she replied.

Lyn’s converted garage was where she indulged in her hobby of upcycling. But now she could do with a break.

“Let’s go inside, and I’ll make us a coffee.”

In the kitchen, she placed a pod into the machine, savouring the satisfying sound and aroma of coffee pouring into the mug. She topped Sophie’s up with oat milk and kept hers black. Perching on the stool next to her daughter at the breakfast bar, she took a sip.

“So, did you go out last night?” she asked.

“Yep. On a date, but there wasn’t a spark.”

Lyn had got used to this being her daughter’s response about her online dating experiences. Since breaking up with her partner two years ago, Sophie had yet to find a connection, despite several dates.

“Matthew was nice,” Sophie continued, “and I’d like him as a friend, but there wasn’t that instant physical attraction like there was with Josh, even though we didn’t work out.”

“Hmm,” was Lyn’s only response, though she wanted to say, “Look how that ended.”

The relationship had been tumultuous from the start and finished when Sophie discovered Josh had cheated on her.

“Can I see a photo?”

“Sure,” Sophie said, fishing her phone from her bag and opening the dating app. An auburn-haired, bearded man with a wide smile appeared on the screen.

“What a lovely, friendly smile,” Lyn remarked.

Sophie nodded.

“He plays guitar, and we had a nice conversation about our jobs and music. I told him about the piano. He’s already messaged to say he’d like to

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