All about you!

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The place to share your news, views, thoughts and dreams… and especially the photos that make you smile

Go Margaret!

At the summit – 3,560ft (1,085m)

My daughter’s godmother Margaret climbed Snowdon recently for charity. I just want to say a huge well done to her from me and her goddaughter Rebecca!

Nina Steer, Lowestoft

Sweet Smiles

I had to send you these photos of my mum, Lesley Dunn. They were taken 70 years apart. I think she has hardly changed! One photo was taken on the Isle of Wight when she was three, and I took the other one in Dubai when we went on holiday together. She is my mum, so I’m biased, but I think she looks lovely in both.

Nicola Rolfe, Cranham

You haven’t changed, Lesley!

A Day In The Dales

It’s a long way down!

Looking out over the Yorkshire Dales while on a break, our rescue dogs, Cagney and Lacey, both aged four, loved taking in the views as much as their owners!

Josie Drury, Buckley

Celebrating Family

Jean, Jane, Abby and Aubree

I love this picture of my daughter Aubree, sat on her nanna Jane’s knee with her aunt, Abby, and great nanna Jean at a party. Four generations, all in one gorgeous photo!

Daniella Harden, Llanfwrog

Magical Memories

No age limit on fun!

My partner Matt (left) and brother-in-law, Adam, and I had the most amazing time in Hollywood Studios in Orlando. I’m a huge Frozen fan, despite my age!

Chani Saunders, Barnstaple

A Dream Fulfilled

Here at last!

This is me in the beautiful village of Portmeirion. I always wanted to visit, after watching the TV series The Prisoner in the sixties! It’s stunning – well worth waiting 50 years for.

Anne Parker, Mid Glamorgan

Outlaw Country

A great day out

Recently, myself, my husband David, and our two Cocker Spaniels, Cherry and Blossom, went on a day trip to Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham. Here you can see us in front of the old Major Oak tree, which legend has it that famous outlaw, Robin Hood and his Merry Men used for shelter, iding inside its massive trunk out of the way of he Sheriff of Nottingham. We had a lovely walk. he forest had a magical feel about it!

illian Jackson, Todmorden


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