Have you tried reiki?

4 min read

If you’re feeling depleted, this could be just the holistic practice you’re looking for...


Do you ever feel burnt out or depleted? Do you get overly emotional or notice random unexplained aches and pains in your body? If so, you might benefit from a reiki session. According to practitioners, this ancient Japanese natural healing system facilitates the flow of universal life force energy, which we all have running through us, that can sometimes become ‘stuck’ in our everyday lives. It can help to bring the body back to its optimum state of balance. “Receiving reiki treatments is a very powerful, consistent way of staying well,” says reiki practitioner Suzanne Heida (soulsugarreiki. co.uk). “Once your energy centre and chakras have been unblocked by reiki you can continue with having energy healing treatments to maintain balance and emotional harmony with better energetic levels.”

The wellbeing benefits of reiki on the mind, body and soul can be transformational. “People report feeling the positive effects of reiki for weeks afterwards,” says Suzanne. “They often describe feeling much lighter and clear headed, noticeably more positive and much calmer.” Once the healing journey has started clients can notice significant permanent changes, too, due to the blockages dissipating and voids being taken away by the universal life force energy. Beyond feeling more energised, it is said that reiki can support you to truly love who you are, helping you to embark on a journey of self-discovery releasing that which does not serve us along the way. Amazing, right?

So, how does it work? According to reiki practitioners, the human body consists of five layers of energy. The first layer, our base layer, if you like, is the physical body, but our energy doesn’t end there, it extends outwards into four further layers that make the human energy field, often referred to as a person’s aura. We have over 110 chakras in our body and reiki works with seven of those chakras (the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, naval and root).

“If not aligned, a person can suffer from negative feelings, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, general disconnection, low energy levels and unhappiness, with voids from the past which have been suppressed,” says Suzanne. “This is likely to manifest in stress, insomnia, digestive issues, IBS and chronic pain due to these dense feelings being left in the body, which then cause blockages if not addressed and may manifest themselves in physical ailments and dis-ease.” However, you don’t need to have an issue o

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