‘humiliated’ posh in spice girls snub

3 min read

As critics’ comments ‘bring back painful memories’ for Victoria Beckham, a source tells new the star has ruled herself out of the Spice Girls reunion at next year’s Glastonbury Festival

Kenzi Devine


Spice Girls fans were in a frenzy last week when it was reported that the band would be reuniting for the 2024 Glastonbury Festival – and had managed to lure back Victoria Beckham to perform for the first time in 15 years.

However, just hours later, sources close to the designer shot down the claims, saying the 49-year-old wanted to concentrate on her fashion label and had no plans to step into her old role of Posh Spice.

The source said, “She has sadly been hugely ridiculed when she has sung in the past. She is a different person now. She looks back fondly on her years in the Spice Girls – they were very special to her – so she hasn’t ruled out a one-off celebration, maybe, at some point.”

The announcement resulted in a barrage of criticism for the mum-of-four, as one fan sniped, “Thank God for that, she never sang anyhow.” While another asked, ”How did she ever get in the group in the first place?” Another added, “She never really sang in the Spice Girls. She was there as window dressing.”

Now, a source has exclusively told new that Victoria has been upset by the speculation and subsequent backlash, which have brought back painful memories for her.

“When she was in the band her singing ability was always a hot topic. Although she is the first to admit herself that she isn’t the strongest vocalist that doesn’t mean it isn’t hurtful,” said our source. “She doesn’t want to subject herself to the same criticism. She’s been there before and now wants to distance herself.”

Talent manager Chris Herbert gave Posh a score of five out of 10 for her singing when she auditioned for the band in 1994, then chose her because there was “something striking” about her. Victoria also once recalled having her microphone turned off during live performances, saying, “They used to turn it off and just let the others sing. I got the last laugh – and now my mic is well and truly on, finally,” hinting at her successful post-band career.

Our source added, “In some ways she feels as though she is being haunted by the past every time a Spice Girls reunion is brought up. She can’t help but feel embarrassed and humiliated by the new comments.

“She doesn’t want to be painted as the one who can’t sing again and feel like she did before. She is a perfectionist and likes to be seen that way.

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