‘i didn’t realise i had postnatal depression’

4 min read

Georgia Jones on being part of the McFly family, the challenges of motherhood, and how her son Cooper is following in his famous dad’s footsteps



Georgia Jones is the wife of McFly star Danny Jones, and mum to the couple’s adorable little boy, Cooper, six. But Georgia, 37, is also an entrepreneur in her own right, and co-hosts the parenting podcast, Mum’s The Word.

Here, the model and former Miss England talks about juggling motherhood and self-care, the secrets to her marriage to the new Voice UK coach Danny, and being an ambassador for Belvoir Farm...

Hi, Georgia! Your hubby Danny has a new coaching role on The Voice UK – how did you react?

Danny started on The Voice Kids,and now he’s on the main show, which was his end goal. I’m so proud of how hard he worked to get there. It’s great that Cooper can now go and watch his dad. When Danny joined The Voice Kids, it was straight after I’d had Cooper. I’d given birth five days earlier and he had to go back to work, so I was left home alone.

How did you and Giovanna [Fletcher] feel when it was revealed Danny and Tom will be sharing a chair on The Voice UK?

So excited. But we also jokingly cheered, “Here’s to happy solo parenting!” Both Gi and I are career women, so it’s quite a juggle when the boys are busy. What’s gorgeous is that the McFly boys are genuinely best friends. From the day they began until now, they’ve been solid. I never hear Danny laugh the way he does when he’s with the boys.

You’ve been together a long time. What’s your secret?

Yes, 15 years, and something that’s important for a successful marriage is time apart – it keeps the relationship fresh. We’ve always enjoyed our separate times, and when we reunite it’s even nicer. Communication is key, as well. It’s something we had to relearn after having a baby, or it would be constant resentment at the other partner for not doing enough, even if they are. But it all comes together if you keep talking.

Your Insta feed is about the realities of motherhood. Why do you focus on that?

When I had Cooper, it was only after I was out of the thick of it that I realised I’d had postnatal depression. At the time, I wasn’t aware. It’s only when you start to see the light that you realise the darkness you were in. A lot of mums don’t realise it’s happening.

Motherhood is a tough job…

Someone said to me, “You need to fill up your own cup,” because if your cup’s empty,

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