‘i have cellulite – but i’m good with that!’

3 min read

Former model Caprice on embracing her body and keeping the magic in her marriage


Caprice Bourret is the poster girl for body confidence. At the age of 52, the former model and actress is celebrating her curves and imperfections and has created an all-inclusive lingerie range for high-street brand Peacocks , to help other women feel just as good about themselves as she does.

Caprice, who first found fame in the 90s and has graced more than 250 magazine covers, has undoubtedly seen the dark side of fame and body image, but has come out of the other side smiling.

“I’m not perfect – I embrace that,” the former Celebrity Big Brother star tells us. “This is just who I am. Hopefully everyone can take on that attitude. Love your body for exactly how it is.”

Aside from her business success – she also runs a popular bedding range, By Caprice Home – she has found personal happiness with her husband, financier Ty Comfort, and their two children Jett and Jax, both 10.

In our racy chat, she tells us she and Ty keep the magic alive with an active sex life, as she points out, “Who wouldn’t want to have an orgasm?”

Here, she discusses intimacy, the secret to a happy marriage and ageing like a fine wine…

Hi, Caprice. You look amazing!

How do you stay in shape?

Well, I really have to bring my A game now. It is a lot harder, but I get on with it. I only work out three times a week, but I do a seriously major workout. I have a trainer and we do an hour and a half, which is primarily weight training, and I walk a lot. I love walking. So that’s my cardio because the running was too hard on my joints. Plus, I’m just too lazy to run. It’s not fun. Then I have to watch what I eat – I really do. I do intermittent fasting.

What are your tips to feeling body confident?

The biggest thing is accepting your body. My body is not the same as it used to be, but I totally freaking embrace it. Yeah, I have bigger curves, I have a little bit of cellulite and I’m like, ‘You know what? It’s OK. I still look alright. I’m OK with that.’ So, I’m totally accepting of how things are. I’m not in my twenties any more, and I’m like, ‘I’m quite proud of where I’m at and I’m accepting of it and I love it.’ We’re like fine wine, we get better. So, it’s all good.

It’s so true. There are a lot of celebs now trying weight-loss drug Ozempic!

What is up with this Ozempic? Here in the US, they look at me and t

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