Keeping up withkerry

2 min read

Our columnist on moving house, enjoying a romantic weekend and her country music dream


By the time this column is out, we will have the keys to our new home – not that we’re prepared at all! But we do have movers coming this week and we won’t move out of our house straight away, so there isn’t any rush.

I’m really sad to be leaving this house and downsizing but I know it’s for the best – especially for the future and buying my forever home. Now that Lilly has gone to Ireland it’s just DJ, Max and Heidi in the house so we don’t need much room any more, especially as Heidi will be leaving once she finishes school.

Although I have to say, Lilly has been in Ireland for one week and hasn’t stopped calling so she might want to come back home sooner than we think!


Ryan and I spent the weekend at Carden Park Hotel to celebrate his 36th birthday – it was the first time we’ve been and it was so amazing. We had such a relaxing weekend and I think it was exactly what we needed. It showed me that we obviously need some more quality time together.

Now we’re back home we’ve gone back into business mode. Because we are business partners it can be difficult to strike a balance between romance and work and I think Ryan can go too much into business mode and forget that I need that emotional support too. So I’m glad we had a little weekend off. More of that, please!


I saw that Taylor Swift has come to the UK and the reaction is crazy – there’s a new wave of Taylor fever! I think she seems really genuine and down-to-earth from what I’ve seen in her Netflix documentary.

Molly had tickets tha

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