Victoria ‘furious’ about rebecca’s rumoured tv role

4 min read

Victoria Beckham is said to be upset that Rebecca Loos’ potential return to the limelight could take the shine off her and David’s silver wedding anniversary

Kirsty Nutkins

Rebecca spoke out on Good Morning Britain in 2023

It has been 20 years since David Beckham’s former PA, Rebecca Loos, whipped up a media frenzy when she went public with details of their alleged four-month relationship.

But in October last year, the alleged affair – which apparently took place following his move from Manchester United to Real Madrid – was thrown back into the spotlight when it was referenced in David’s self-titled Netflix documentary.

In the four-parter, David confessed that the “horrible” stories left him “feeling sick every day”, as they threatened to destroy his marriage to wife Victoria. The comments from the former pro footballer, who has always denied the affair, left Rebecca, now 46, fuming.

One upside for Rebecca – who has reinvented herself as a wellness guru in rural Norway – has been the media opportunities she’s been offered, from interviews with shows such as Good Morning Britain to newspaper exclusives. And it seems she’s not ready to disappear from our radars quite yet, as she’s rumoured to be in the line-up for the new series of Channel 4’s Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins.

And her possible appearance on the show has already sparked speculation online about how the Beckhams will feel about her being back in the public eye.

“Wonder if Dave will watch,” one person said. “So much for her wanting to stay out of the spotlight!” another quipped.

A source tells us that Rebecca’s reported return to TV is causing upset in the Beckham camp – particularly with Victoria.

“She’s furious that Rebecca Loos is reported to have signed up for Celebrity SAS – she can’t believe that she has the nerve to try and make herself a celebrity again after claiming she wanted a quiet life,” the source says.

“Although everything that went on happened over 20 years ago, it is still something that hurts and upsets Victoria, and something she had put to the back of her mind. It’s really hard and she honestly thought she would never hear about Rebecca again – she seemed to be happy living her quiet life in Europe and being a mum. Victoria has no idea why Rebecca would want to drag it all up again – and their children are older now and will hear these things.”

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