Harry’s pain at uncle’s divorce

3 min read

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are ‘shocked and upset’ over family divide

Eve Macdonald


Harry and Meghan’s Netflix documentary sent a powerful message about their thoughts on divorce – they do not want to “repeat the same mistakes” their parents made.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana separated in 1992 when Harry was eight, but didn’t divorce until 1996, while Meghan’s parents, Doria Ragland and Thomas Markle, split in 1987 when she was six. But now, as Charles Spencer – Harry’s uncle and brother of his late mother Diana – prepares to divorce his wife of 13 years, Karen Gordon, it is said to be dragging up pain for the couple, especially Harry.

Charles Spencer and Karen met on a blind date and tied the knot in June 2011 in the grounds of Althorp, where Diana is buried.

The 60-year-old earl has spoken about the split, citing it as “immensely sad”. He said, “I just want to devote myself to all my children, and to my grandchildren, and I wish Karen every happiness in the future.”

Charles shares a 12-year-old daughter with Karen – who is the same age Harry was when his mum passed away in 1997 – so it comes as no surprise, according to a source, that the news is a huge blow to the Duke of Sussex, who is closer to his uncle since giving up royal duties.

“Harry has always been very close to his Uncle Charles and they have grown even closer since he walked away from royal life. Charles – who also walked alongside him at Diana’s funeral – backed him completely and he is the one person Harry feels he can truly be honest with about how hard it is being a royal, as he knows his uncle’s views on them,” the source claimed.

“Harry feels like the Spencer family is the only true family he has left in the UK, so he naturally felt shocked and upset when he heard about Charles’ plans to divorce for a third time.

“Whenever divorce is mentioned it always takes Harry back to those awful days when his mum and dad split, something that took him years to get over.”

Charles Spencer – who has seven children – has always been close to his nephew. In fact, at the recent celebrations to mark the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games in London, the aristocrat was one of few family members there to show support, and hugged the 39-year-old as his dad, King Charles, hosted Buckingham Palace’s first garden party of the year just two miles away.

In his memoir Spare, Harry also writes about

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