‘kit wants nothing to do with bernie!’

1 min read

Kit has never been a fan of his mum Bernie after she abandoned him and he goes behind her back to tell Gemma and Paul that they’re his siblings.Corrieactor Jacob Roberts reveals how his character Kit has been relishing making life difficult for Bernie


Kit has been very reluctant to start any relationship with Bernie. How is he feeling about her at this stage?

Kit is still very angry, he doesn’t want anything to do with her. As far as he is aware she abandoned him twice, once when he was born and then again when he was 20 – he arranged to meet her and she didn’t show up.

How does he feel about Paul and Gemma?

He’s sad that Bernie stopped him from having a relationship with them. Kit’s an only child and he would have loved to have siblings so he is resentful that he’s missed out on so much time with them.

Kit meets with his siblings to tell them the truth. Why does he take matters into his own hands?

He wants to tell Gemma and Paul his version of events. He wants them to know how their mum abandoned him and kept his existence from them. Kit’s determined to make it clear how they all missed out and really makes it clear how selfish he feels she was. He does get some pleasure about doing it behind her back. Kit wants to hurt her like she hurt him.

Do you think Kit will ever forgive Bernie?

Not for some time, Kit is getting

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