Soap zone!

2 min read


Belle begins to panic as Charity, Chas, Mandy and Lydia quiz her about her relationship with Tom. Charity gently asks Belle again to open up and Belle almost reveals everything, but she spots Tom and flees home.

Back at the house, Tom makes a phone call to confirm he wants to interview for a job in Wales. Later, Tom offers to take Belle on holiday to a remote cottage. She warms to the idea, and Tom is secretly pleased that his plan is taking shape.

After a row with Jai, Laurel feels dizzy and collapses. Laurel’s phone rings but she can barely move. Gabby finds Laurel struggling to breathe and calls an ambulance.

Under false pretences, Charles offers Caleb a lift to Hotten, which he accepts. After getting upset about his son’s death, Charles confronts Caleb with proof that he was involved in Ethan’s hit and run.

Plus, Matty is feeling more worried than ever after running into menacing Robbo. Later on in their cell, Matty reveals to Les that he’s transgender. Les promises to mind his own business, but warns the other prisoners might not.


Toyah experiences some excruciating stomach pains and Nick is shocked when he returns home from work to find her in agony on the floor. Nick rushes Toyah to the hospital and as he and Leanne wait by her bedside, the doctor shares some surprising news. Toyah barely has time to take in the diagnosis when there is another jaw-dropping revelation.

Bernie patiently waits for Kit in the Rovers to discuss how they are going to tell Gemma and Paul that they have a brother – but Kit is already breaking the news to the twins. How will the siblings take the news?

Steve’s birthday party is not exactly what he was expecting and he is gutted to discover Tim and Sally are at the unveiling of footballer Tommy O’s bust. Cassie offers to drive Steve to confront them, and once they get there, the scheming duo discover a way to get revenge on Tommy once and for all.

Also, George approaches Michael hoping that he might be able to talk some sense into Glenda – but Michael breaks the news they’re no longer seeing each other.


Avani finds Nugget passed out in the street after the boxing tournament. He’s rushed to hospital and a distraught Ravi and Priya lash out when the doctor asks if Nugget has been on drugs after they find kidney damage. Priya is devastated when the doctor confirms Ravi’s fears – Nugget has been taking steroids. There’s mo

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