Contributing to society through world-class buddhist education

3 min read

With over 380 years of history, Ryukoku University continues to foster the institution’s spirit of tradition, innovation and ambition, creating new knowledge opportunities while championing the values of altruism.

Ryukoku University has a long history dating back to the Gakuryo—a Buddhist seminary established in 1639 in the precincts of Nishi Hongwanji Temple. Ryukoku University celebrated its 380th anniversary in 2019, and its higher educational and research activities are the oldest in Japan.

Such long traditions have fostered the spirit of deep human insight. This insight is inspired by the teachings of Shinran Shonin, who lived through the turbulent Kamakura Period (11851333 CE) and established Jodo Shinshu Buddhism (Pure Land Buddhism). Since Ryukoku University’s establishment, its educational and research activities have continuously adhered to the teachings of Jodo Shinshu as its founding spirit. While tradition may seem old-fashioned, it cannot be sustained unless we apply its philosophy when experiencing the realities of society in our day-to-day lives. As we face various contradictions and problems, our traditions continue to be renewed.

Ryukoku University’s custom of respecting innovation and ambition is clearly born from its traditions. The creation of new knowledge opportunities is a feature Ryukoku University is proudest of, as demonstrated by its great educational reforms during the Meiji Period (1868-1912), the Otani Expedition (known for its research exploration of the Silk Road), various projects which promoted advanced research during the postwar period, and being the first Buddhist university in Japan to establish a Faculty of Science and Technology, as well as a Faculty of Agriculture. However, the greatest characteristic of Ryukoku University is its atmosphere, which promotes harmonious living with others.

Takashi Irisawa, President, Ryukoku University
Fukakusa Campus
Omiya Campus

In recent years, an increasing number of students are showing interest in activities which contribute to society. Ryukoku University promotes “Buddhist SDGs,” a set of principles linking Buddhism and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, with its core being the behavioral philosophy of jisei rita (introspective altruism). This philosophy expresses the ambition to continuously reflect on one’s own innate selfishness, to consider one’s existence consisting of countless connections with others, and to behave in a way that contributes to the well-being of all, with importance placed on relationships. In the modern world, people are becoming more and more separate from each other. At Ryukoku University, however, we emphasize altruism and foster the spirit of cherishing all lives. Altruism is the opposite of exclusiveness and is a spirit which has long been nurtured and passed d

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