Newsweek Magazine
5 July 2024
Newsweek has been a staple of American media for over 80 years, bringing high-quality journalism to millions of readers around the globe. Newsweek publishes print editions in Japanese, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Arabic, and Turkish, as well as an English language international edition, but is a primarily digital property available across platforms and devices. Newsweek provides in-depth analysis, news and opinion about international issues, technology, business, culture and politics.
...Read moreArticles from this issue

‘it has taken a devastating toll’

It’s all about priorities


From small giants to global champions: korean suppliers in ideal position to benefit from supply chain realignment

Shaping the digital world through tech innovation

Semiconductor sector’s perfect partner

Asflow: driving semiconductor innovation

Kemco targeting the global nickel market

Korloy: revolutionizing manufacturing through happiness management

Korean leader in magnet technology commits to expanding existing portfolio

Korean hydraulic firm targets u.s. market

Squid gains