Minute of islands

2 min read

There’s more to this adventure than just being a hero

Adam Bryant

It’s up to Mo and her Omni Switch to fix the machines throughout the land.


Adventure games are always about the hero and how they might go about overcoming their ordeals, or how they become the saviour that everyone needs. Rarely do they explore what it’s like to actually live with that kind of responsibility, or what toll that might take on a person. Studio Fizbin is aiming to do just that, while promising to deliver an emotionally poetic tale.

Minute Of Islands, however, looks like the exact opposite of a game that would try to navigate such complex themes. This is no doubt due to its art style, which makes it a dead ringer for the cartoon Adventure Time.

It’s up to Mo and her Omni Switch to fix the machines throughout the land.

“The art style is an amalgam of European comic styles,” says art director Tim Gaedke talking to Edge magazine. “The adventure stories of Hergé (Tintin), the fantastic creatures and characters of Moebius, and the weird worlds of Lewis Trondheim – as well as my own background in comics – all had an impact on the look and worldbuilding of the game.”

The big idea

The world itself consists of seven unique islands. Long ago, this strange archipelago was cohabited by humans and giants. In order to protect everyone from toxic spores, that once inhaled cause hallucinations and eventually death, the giants built machines across the land. Now the big guys have all but gone, and the machines are in desperate need of repair. This is where our hero comes in.

It’s up to Mo and her Omni Switch to fix the machines throughout the land.

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