To dine for

5 min read

Create the perfect dining space to enjoy Christmas gatherings with these beautiful ideas for how to dress and style the room

Hosting dinner parties over the Christmas period is one of the highlights of the season. Preparations start weeks in advance, finalising recipes and buying ingredients. However, the food is just one half of the story; the dining room plays a key role in transforming a simple dinner into a truly special occasion.

Start with the backbone of your dining area: the chairs and table. Establish a guest list as soon as possible, so you can ensure that everyone will have a seat at the table. If you need to buy additional chairs, choose a neutral design that will work in any space once the festivities are over.

Then turn your eye to the little details. ‘When it comes to the big Christmas feast, time spent dressing the table is never wasted as it really helps to set the scene,’ says Emma Deterding, founder of Kelling Designs. ‘If you are short of time, find some holly and ivy to spread down the middle of the table and place candles and tealights in any gaps. Intersperse the foliage with old bottles of differing heights and fill them with winter flowers and berries,’ she adds.

‘Complete the scheme with napkins tied with festive ribbons placed on each plate, adding a paper luggage label with the name of each guest.’


ABOVE Small touches go a long way to transform your dining room into a space to entertain. A simple bundle of festive foliage tied with a decorative ribbon brings colour and texture to your chair backs and creates a sense of occasion. Here, a combination of fragrant rosemary and vibrant chillies bring the perfect balance of colour and scent, although more traditional berried holly and fir sprigs would have a similar effect.


LEFT When space around the table is tight, trade traditional chairs for bench-style seating. ‘Large, farmhouse-style tables can seat a big group but sometimes chairs take up a bit too much space. Benches offer a more versatile alternative as there are no arms or bulky upholstery to get in the way. Bench seating can also save space as it can be pushed under the tabletop when not in use,’ advises Simon Temprell, interior design lead at Neptune. For a similar bench try the Arundel oak design, £595 at Neptune.



OPPOSITE The tablescape plays a key role in the dining experience, and festive linens provide a great starting point. ‘Lately, there has been a real movement towards taking pleasure not only in the food we eat but also in how we prepare the table. Mixing and matching layers of tablecloths, placemats, and napkins signals to your dinner companions that you have been looking forward to them coming and the m

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