Kav dadfar

12 min read

As a photographer, writer, speaker, magazine publisher, and guide, Kav Dadfar is a true multi-skilled professional. Despite the rise of Instagram and travel photographers, he believes there’s always new and unique photo opportunities…


AV DADFAR is the epitome of a successful, modern, Canon professional photographer. He embraces the business side of the profession as much as the creative and is never shy to diversify his skills in other areas. During the Covid-19 pandemic, several travel magazines sadly went under, but Kav – and fellow photographer Jordan Banks – saw it as the perfect opportunity to launch

JRNY. The latest, fifth issue is a photography special, and as the website jrnymag.com explains, “There is no better way to tell a compelling travel story than through captivating text and immersive images.” Kav’s photography has been telling a story for editorial and commercial clients since his career began, and even in these image-saturated social media days, he still finds new ways to explore the world and capture collections of unique travel photos…



Tell us about your photography journey. Where did it all start for?

For me, photography started at university. I was studying art direction and information design at what is now the London College of Art and as part of my course, I also had to study photography. But that was in the early stages of digital photography so I had to learn to take photos on film and develop them.

How would you describe your approach and portfolio to someone who’d never seen it?

After I graduated from university, I worked as an art director in the world of advertising for a few years. During this time I was still taking photos, but it was for the odd client here and there and mainly as a hobby for myself. But that influence of being an art director has stuck with me in both my approach and my style, and has continued to do so since turning pro. So I would say I am very meticulous in my composition of an image and how the subject, light and colours work together. I think when someone looks at my portfolio they will notice bright, vibrant images that are composed well and often even if they are fleeting moments they look almost deli

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