
1 min read
Getty / Beerpixs
Peter Travers Editor

Without light there is no photography. So it goes without saying – but I’m going to say it anyway – you need good light to create your photos. In this issue’s big Canon camera techniques guide, Canon pro Jeremy Flint teaches you how to master different lighting conditions for better landscape photos. With his 25 top tips and inspiring images, learn everything from shooting at first light, using dappled light or overcast conditions to your benefit. Also discover how lower sunlight can shape your scenes. Light up your skills from page 28.

Subscribing to the print edition of PhotoPlus has never been better – you can save 50% off shop prices, PLUS you can now get access to loads of free digital editions! See page 40 for how to subscribe.

Also inside, Canon photographer Anthony Sinfield teaches PhotoPlus Apprentice David how to take great close-ups of butterflies, page 8.

In our cracking Canon Skills section, there are new photo projects and easy-to-follow image-editing tutorials, with free video guides! Including how to create silhouetted portraits at sunset, then stitch multiple shots together for amazing results. See page 46.

We interview the talented Canon photographer and content creator, Matthew Perks, on page 62. There’s a special Photo Stories about Canon’s incredible World Unseen campaign that opens up the world of photography to the visually impaired, on page 70. Th

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