Canon school

1 min read


In part 41 of our series: Get to know the ins and outs of your Canon lenses to achieve the sharpest results

Get the best from your Canon lenses

Make the most of your primes and zooms

Being able to get creative with different lenses is one of the main reasons to use a Canon EOS camera. Making the most of those lenses comes down to understanding their technical parameters, using the right technique and taking care of them. Even premium red-ringers in Canon’s L-series will give you less-than-stellar results if they’re not looked after or handled incorrectly.

Achieving the sharpest image from the lens relies on several things. There’s the inherent optical sharpness of the lens; some lenses feature floating elements, more expensive glass and advanced coatings that correct optical aberrations. But these features add to the cost and weight.

Correct handling is essential. If the camera or subject moves while the image is being recorded, you’ll end up with a picture that ranges from slightly soft to completely blurred. Image stabilization can make a difference here, allowing you to get sharp results at slower shutter speeds. It only has an impact on camera shake though, and if the exposure is too slow to freeze a moving subject then you’ll still end up with a blur.

Sharpness isn’t the only goal, thou

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