06 capture gorgeous travel landscapes

2 min read


Read our top tips for capturing postcard-perfect scenic shots

THE PICTURE-PERFECT postcard photo on a travel brochure or website might have been the reason that made you want to go travelling in the first place. So how do you capture your own travel landscapes and set yours apart from the crowd?

Research is key. Get hold of good travel guides, such as those by Lonely Planet, as these can give you more information, detailed directions and maps, plus tell you where to find the lesser-known spots that might not get the usual tourist traffic. In addition to reading up on specific locations, you’ll also need to set your photos apart.

You’ll want to look for interesting compositions, quirky angles or framing choices and get creative. View images taken on social media so you know what the usual pictures look like, so you can plan to go above and beyond when shooting yours.


If you’re a passenger in a moving car, train or bus, you will travel past some interesting landscapes but won’t always be able to stop. However, you can still take pleasing landscape images looking out of the wind

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