Nothing short of sexy

4 min read


Caitlin Hellyer, 23, from Gloucester, stripped down to her underwear in a way to reclaim her body...

My family have always been supportive

Stepping out in front of the tripod, I was ready to drop a few poses.

Wearing a brand-new lingerie set of latex and PVC, I felt sexy.

Sliding down onto my knees, I smiled as my partner Guy, 32, snapped the money shot.

I want other women to feel sexy

‘Shall we take one lying down?’ Guy suggested next.

And taking more glamour model style snaps, I felt great.

I’d been producing sultry snaps and videos since 28 June last year.

But I didn’t take a typical route into OnlyFans.

In fact, it was the opposite to what you’d expect.

I was fed up with being oversexualised on Instagram.

Running a fashion blog since 2018, I posted content for other women who had dwarfism.

I was born with the genetic condition achondroplasia – a mutation of the FGFR 3 growth gene and the most common form of dwarfism. Growing up, I found it hard. I could never find outfits that matched my age to my height.

While my mates could all shop the latest fashions, I was looking in the children’s section and rummaging through childish designs.

Not given the same opportunities to play playground games and sports like the other kids at school, I felt left out and even experienced some bullying. But by the time I was finishing secondary school, I stopped caring.

It was now time to do my own thing.

And setting up my blog aged 17, I wanted to start living my life in my own way.

Just because I had dwarfism didn’t mean I couldn’t feel confident and fashionable.

Quickly amassing thousands of followers, it wasn’t long until I was thrust under the glaring male gaze.

Constantly being sexualised, all I had to do was post myself in a big coat and bobble hat to receive an explicit message.

You’re so sexy, men would DM me.

Marry me?

In some cultures, dwarfism is linked to a specific goddess, so I would get lots of messages about that.

But I would also get a lot of gross messages and would even receive explicit pictures which I really hated.

At just 17 – a minor – it made me anxious and disgusted, too.

I was just a teenager trying to have fun and help others, not be treated like a piece of meat.

‘Block it and don’t interact,’ my mum Jacqueline, 57, and dad Leon, 51, advised me after I confided in them.

Listening to my parents’ advice, I still became wary of the content I posted.

Flirty and fashionable

Sometimes, I’d even wear outfits I didn’t like just so I could be more covered up.

But by June last year, I’d had enough.

‘Why don’t you try OnlyFans?’ Guy su

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