Clean slate

3 min read


Ivana Uherska, 41, from London, has turned depression into a blessing…

Cleanliness is next to Godliness!

Bracing myself on the busy train, armed with a bag of cleaning supplies in one hand and my shopping from B&M in the other, I prepared for my next big job.

And this was no ordinary job – you see, in my spare time, I clean other peoples’ houses. For free.

It started in November 2022 – I’d bought some garden furniture online, despite not having a garden myself, and decided to take it over to my neighbour as an act of kindness.

I knew her quite well, a single mother of two beautiful girls.

Normally bubbly and lots of fun, she opened the door hesitantly – and I saw into the cluttered hallway, from rubbish and toys piling high to the ceilings and clothes all over the floor.

I instantly knew she needed my help.

This is my chance! I thought to myself.

I loved watching cleaning videos on TikTok, mesmerised by someone completely transforming a hectic house – it was my dream job.

Having suffered from depression in the past, I was sympathetic to just how difficult it can be to keep things organised after a busy day of being a mum.

My neighbour needed me to help her turn this house into a beautiful, comfy family home.

Rubbish piled to the ceiling

‘Let me help you. I’ll do it for free,’ I gently pleaded with her. ‘Please, let me help.’

To my surprise, she was eager for me to help her.

I didn’t want her to feel embarrassed or judged – that was my biggest fear.

Armed with my camera to document the transformation, I got stuck in almost immediately. Each day, I took a deep breath and reminded myself why I was doing it – this was my chance to make a real difference in the lives of my neighbour and her two little girls.

As I worked, it took a few days to clear through the mountains of mess and make it seem like a real home again.

I love helping people

Seeing her come out of her shell and get stuck in, realising that she was safe and that it was a judgement-free experience, was truly rewarding. It seemed like the more mess we cleared away, the more she gained her life back.

She taught me some very important lessons and helped to educate me on ADHD, and now I know that many conditions can lead someone to neglect cleaning.

As a finishing touch, I was able to find some lovely free pieces of furniture from an online marketplace to help her house feel brand-new.

The excitement on her little girls’ faces was something I’ll never forg

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