The birds and the bees

1 min read


Bumblebees, butterflies and other little critters are out in full force now– so create a haven in your garden with these top tips from CJ Wildlife.


A safe space

Lack of suitable habitats is a big factor in the decline of our insect population – but you can help.

Dedicate a corner of the garden to grow wild and pile up some logs and leaf debris, too – this is a great way to support visiting bugs.

If you prefer to keep your garden a bit more manicured, an insect hotel is a fantastic option – you can buy these in lots of places, or have fun making your own.

Bee-friendly blooms

We all know that the bee population has been in decline – so give them a thought when you’re planting flower beds and hanging baskets.

It’s best to avoid blooms with multiple flower heads as bees can struggle to get to the delicious nectar in the centre, so opt for single-headed flowers with flat and wide openings.

Good options are echinacea, rudbeckia, Michaelmas daisies and sunflowers.

Night crawlers

All those critters that come out at night need sustenance, too. Moths are a vital part of a thriving environment – but their numbers are down 33% since the late ‘60s.

Add night-scented blooms to your flower beds to help them along and choose white or dull coloured flowers for the best appeal. Night-scented phlox, m

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