Smokin' hot mama!

4 min read



Elise Parker, 38, from Leeds, embraced her stretch marks and bared her all...


Settling down in bed, I pulled out my phone, ready to work.

But far from the mundane task of checking and replying to emails, this particular job was far more ballsy than boring.

With an image of a stranger’s willy staring back at me, I got ready to rate it. 9/10.

Men ask me to rate their privates

Since starting up my OnlyFans, I’ve always enjoyed a cheeky d**k pic rating.

My subscribers love asking me to do them!

And taking on my online persona – sexy and confident ‘milf’, Elle Peach – I was happy to do it.

Only, I hadn’t always had this power.

Having separated from my ex-husband, Mark*, 48, back in 2014, I was now a single mum of four.

I adored my kids – Charlie*, now 21, Riley*, now 15, Jordan*, now 15, and Taylor*, now 13 – but it was a struggle to make ends meet.

I wanted to give them everything their friends had, but I just didn’t have the money to do so.

And working long, draining hours as a social worker, we didn’t have much time together as a family.

I’m not sure I could even call us a family, and I didn’t feel like I was being a mum.

I wanted to do more for my kids, but my financial situation made it unfeasible.

I struggled along and in early 2021, I was scrolling through Facebook when I spotted a post.

A girl had uploaded a picture of a beautiful house, which she’d bought outright in cash.

How did they afford that? I scoffed. In the post, she proudly wrote how she had earned the money by starting an OnlyFans page. I envied her confidence. With four kids, my body looked quite different to how it did when I was younger.

And while I wouldn’t change being a mum for the world, I felt insecure about my stretch marks.

Not long after, I was chatting to Taylor’s horse riding instructor when OnlyFans came up again.

‘I know a client who bought a very expensive horse from OnlyFans,’ they told me.

And that chat really got me thinking.

What if I could make my living from the platform?

I’d become disillusioned with my job, dealing with trauma every day.

Extremely overworked, I was neglecting my own family and it was affecting my mental health, too.

But would anyone want to see me naked? All these girls are in their early twenties, I thought, thinking of my stretch marks.

And I worried about my kids, too.

I didn’t want them to be bullied or teased.

But I knew I could give them a better life.

On 1 March 2021, I decided to take the plunge.

Posing in lingerie, I snapped a few shots, advertising my new venture on Snapchat.

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