Stars 06-12 june

3 min read

7 days of hope & happiness with Claire Petulengro

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21 March–20 April

The Sun in Gemini squares Neptune to Pisces and what you were imagining would happen next is now placed by a feeling of stark reality. What you forget is that you hold the power to decide what happens. Think outside the box and be open to suggestions this weekend from both friends and family. This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!

Call: 09058 170 710*


24 July–23 Aug

With the Sun entering Cancer, it is home affairs that come to the fore. Those you did not want to have to deal with in business can actually save you time and money if you approach them with the understanding that they cannot offer their help for free. Don’t confuse friendship with business. You’ll want the same understanding yourself, before this month ends.

Call: 09058 170 714*


23 Nov–21 Dec

Mercury in Cancer is sextile to Mars in Taurus, which means it’s time to look at the inner workings of your life and make sure they’re really working for you. Research is needed as the stars give you the impulse to dig deeper. You find out what is possible and which paths you need to give up on. Someone others said would disappoint you is about to pleasantly surprise you.

Call: 09058 170 718*


21 April–21 May

Good things happen in your life when you surround yourself with positive people. Your intuition in love is strong and you can afford to act only from the heart. Time you spend talking to older faces helps them shape a future which is more in their control than has been the case so far. Now, you will come to realise who you no longer owe your loyalty to professionally.

Call: 09058 170 711*


24 Aug–23 Sept

A positive mental attitude is what can open locked doors for you this week. Once you stop saying and believing negative things about yourself, you will find reason to celebrate. This week is a great chance to go for job interviews or to explore new avenues in your career. Those you meet at this time hold the power to introduce you to important faces and contacts, too.

Call: 09058 170 715*


22 Dec–20 Jan

You decide you’re going to surround yourself with positive people. Those who only talk about their own problems will soon find their calls silenced and ignored. You’re all about quality, not quantity. You can find better solutions to a financial issue you’re struggling with if you reach out and talk to who has been making it hard for you to focus. You see this during events on Monday.

Call: 09058 170 719*


22 May–21 June

Truths come to light with the Sun in Gemini, and you see people for who the

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