The monster within

6 min read


Ellie Wilson, 26, from Glasgow, turned her pain into power, to get justice not once, but twice...

Daniel was there for me on and off the track

Launching my body forward after the sound of the gun, I’d spent every second training for this moment.

After enrolling to study politics at Glasgow University back in 2015, I was keen to make plenty of friends.

So, I joined the university’s athletics club.

An avid runner throughout my childhood, I’d never taken sprinting seriously in the past.

However, after a few training sessions with my coach, I’d found my mojo again.

Seeing my times go down gave me motivation and I quickly gained more medals.

On the club committee, it was my job to make sure that other athletes felt included.

And that’s when, in September 2017, I met a new member called Daniel, 25.

Although he seemed shy at first, seeing him run, I could tell that he was going to go far.

After chatting, I realised just how well we got on.

Daniel was studying medicine and he was a Christian just like me. He offered to coach me, too. On the track, we trained together, ran warm-up laps and raced to the finish line.

In time, Daniel and I became best friends.

I started building a medal collection

Having gone through a break-up, I could talk to Daniel about anything.

He was there for me on and off the track.

We’d study together, he’d come over and watch movies, he’d stay at mine and we’d go out with other friends, too.

It was great that we had shared passions and I really felt like Daniel was one of the most important people in my life.

Only, I noticed that he would make certain advances.

‘You’re beautiful,’ he said. ‘I could be your boyfriend.’

However, I wasn’t looking for anything romantic.

I made that clear and Daniel claimed that he understood.

There was nothing more in it – Daniel and I were friends.

Busy juggling lectures and training, by the time that New Year’s Eve 2018 came around, I was excited to celebrate.

Invited to several house parties, Daniel came with me as we partied the night away.

And when we welcomed in the new year, we watched fireworks from a hill together. Admittedly, I’d had quite a lot to drink, so the rest of the night was hazy.

‘I’ll make sure that you get back OK,’ Daniel insisted, after a friend booked me a taxi home.

I was out like a light and the next thing I knew it was the morning.

Opening my eyes, I felt disorientated.

Not only was Daniel next to me in my bed, but I was lying in my underwear.

‘I better go,’ Daniel hurried, acting strange.

He had stayed at mine before in the past – but this time felt comple

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