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Thanks for writing in to share feedback on the magazine. Here’s a selection of your letters this month. Email your thoughts to us at platinum.letters@kelsey.co.uk.

‘I want to read more about how to have a voice as an elder in society’

‘I feel Platinum has got so much potential as a mainstream magazine reaching out to mature women. And I also feel frustrated that it feels so much like many other women’s magazines. As a menopaused woman, life is about embracing new ideas, new concepts and new perspectives on life and society and my role in it. I so wish Platinum would dare to start tackling a few more relevant topics to women who don’t necessarily have the budget nor interest in expensive holidays, for example, but who are more concerned about how to have a concrete voice as an elder in society – a society that faces so many serious challenges. I am not sure we want yet more fashion pages and the lure towards more selfish, well-to-do lifestyles that don’t contribute anything concrete to our positions as elders.’ Suzanne

‘Dear Suzanne, thanks for your honest opinions, which I will most certainly take into consideration. I am always looking to source relevant, helpful topics that contribute positively to the lives of the readers at the life stage they are at, and I know what you mean about not necessarily wanting or needing more fashion (though a lot of readers do say they like the beauty and fashion, as we present a range of price points, not just high-end fashion, so I can’t do away with those).

This type of magazine always has to provide a balance of content pillars, some of which will resonate with readers and others not so much. It’s impossible to please all of the people all of the time, as they say (which I found out very quickly when I removed the puzzle pages!).

In this issue we are looking at the topic of housing for older generations and at alternative options people might consider, as loneliness is a major issue facing a lot of older people. I also look for useful and/or inspiring work, career and finance stories to help women working longer and later in life, either by choice or circumstance. And going back to fashion, I’m thinking about including either a one-off or regular column on pre-loved, i.e. second-hand, fashion. If you or any others reading this have specific ideas for features or topics you’d like to read, please write in and let me know and I’ll see what I can do. All the best,’ Katy, Editor-In-Chief



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