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Thanks for writing in to share feedback on the magazine. Here’s a selection of your letters⋆this month. Email your thoughts to us at platinum.letters@kelsey.co.uk.

STAR PRIZE IMAGE: REGENTIV.COM. ⋆ Letters may be edited for length & style.

‘I picked up Platinum for the first time last month and was impressed by the range and quality of the content. In particular, your article on community living [April issue] really resonated with me. I used to live alone in a remote location where the nearest house was a couple of miles away. I had a great job that took me around the world, but it was always important to me to come home to somewhere peaceful at the end of a busy week. But I struggled during the pandemic when I went for days at a time without seeing anyone. I realised that whilst I enjoy my own company, isolation only works if it is on my terms.

‘Recently, I downsized, still in a relatively isolated location, but I am surrounded by a few other houses, which has created a lovely community. To begin with, having people around came as a shock but when I was recently taken ill, it was my new neighbours who got me to hospital. I’ve come to appreciate the importance of human interaction. We just need to find the community that works for us.’ Shirley, via email ‘Dear Shirley, I’m so pleased you loved reading that article – I did too. We often don’t think about alternatives such as communal living, but I think it’s inspiring. I know people who have gone and been part of a women’s Buddhist community, for example, and am also inspired by people who live in shared communities where they own their own home, but share and are invested in/part own the communal spaces where they congregate to eat, do activities or just come together.

I’m glad you’ve found your happy place and have caring neighbours around you – I wish that were true for everyone in the UK as I know some people are so isolated through no fault of their own. All the best,’ Katy, Editor-in-Chief.


‘I was due to go on a month’s holiday to Portugal at the end of February. I went into WHSmith and purchased a variety of magazines, Platinum being one of them. I bought it in the last week of February and it was the March edition for £5.50. Today I decided to start reading it, and all the up-and-coming events were in February, so I checked the date of the edition. Yes, it was March. Jane Moore’s article I can sympathise with, but would you really purchase a £250 woollen dress in February except i

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