Boat owners’ diy gas bottle refill warning

2 min read

News and current affairs from the world of boating



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Thousands of sailors are affected by Calor’s decision to discontinue its 4.5kg butane and 3.9kg propane gas cylinders–and hundreds intend to refill their own gas canisters due to ‘Calor’s unrealistic offer of larger 6kg or 7kg alternatives’.

The UK’s largest yacht owners group, the Westerly Owners’ Association (WOA) 3,000 members are among those with lockers dependent on gas bottles of this size, for cooking on board. In a WOA survey, more than 11% of 2,000 respondents said they intended to ‘fill their own cylinders’– which the Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) has warned is unlawful and highly dangerous.

PBO readers with Seawolf 30, Colvic UFO 31, and Island Packet 320 yachts have voiced concerns that suggested 6kg or 7kg cylinder alternatives are unworkable without great expense and modifications.

Michael Goodlad of Aberdeenshire said: “There are thousands of yacht and boat owners affected by this major change in policy with lockers that cannot take larger cylinders, who will have to pay conversion costs to some other system. And it also affects many more motorhome and caravan owners. We need a campaign to get Calor to reconsider.”

Tom Mullarkey, of Cumbria, said: “My Island Packet 320 has a well-constructed two-bottle gas locker which will take 3.9kg or 4.5kg sized bottles but will not accept the 6kg size without major modification. We have been royally dumped by Calor after–in my case–five decades of brand loyalty.

“The only alternative for the majority of boats is Flogas (unavailable to new customers), Campingaz 907 (expensive –£70-80 for a 2.7kg cylinder) or Gaslow (legally refillable cylinders but at a cost of around £200 per cylinder).

Tom Mullarkey’s Island Packet 320’s gas locker with appliances specc’d for propane won’t work with alternatives without major modification

Butane (Campingaz) may not work properly–or in my case not at all–on appliances rated for propane. How can you go to sea or live aboard without adequate, safe cooking arrangements?”

Tim Good told PBO that he had bought three different Flogas 4.5kg gas bottles from three different locations. He said: “Every bottle was different and none fitted in a locker designed for a Calor 4.5kg. Additionally, Campingaz 907 is OK for hobs but runs out really quickly in gas ovens so it’s not great for extended cruises.”

Hillary Corney, chairman of the

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