Lakeland motor museum

1 min read

Curator Chris celebrates 30 years at one of the best UK’s museums

Chris with pals from the Cumbria Classic Car Club.

It’s a typically damp Spring day when PC arrives at the Lakeland Motor Museum to be greeted by members of the Cumbria Classic Car Club.

Asked if they’d normally be out on such a rainy day, there’s a robust response:

‘YES!’ All are keen to point out how a visit to Lakeland is always worth the effort – and always best when you’re at the wheel of a classic. Members like Michael Rackham, owner of the stunning Sunbeam Tiger you see here, says the museum is very much part of the landscape. ‘There’s always something new to look at!’

While he isn’t wrong, our search for the moment is for the museum’s head honcho, Chris Lowe. We eventually find him and ask if he’s ready or the season. ‘I’m never ready! There’s always something to do!’ Chris has spent the past three months converting his storeroom into a cinema. ‘I’ve also just finished building a special display about Arthur Ransome’s book Pigeon Post (set in the Lake District and the sixth book in the Swallows and Amazons series), I’ve just installed a Trojan (on loan from the Trojan Trust) and as for the cinema room, everyone likes to sit down. Your feet can get tired as there’s a lot to see here!’

Chris started at the museum as a teenag

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