Time to have your say

1 min read

Government calls for evidence to futureproof the classic sector

Industry and car enthusiasts are being invited to help shape government policy on how to futureproof classic cars. The Call for Evidence by the Department of Transport was launched at Bicester Heritage on May 9 by Transport Secretary Mark


Harper at a gathering that included industry experts such as Sir Greg Knight MP, representatives from the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs and the Historic and Classic Vehicles Alliance.

The aim is to gather views on how classic and historic cars can be preserved for future generations and secure jobs in the £18 billion classic vehicle sector. Since the Eighties, policies on how classic cars are registered after being restored and upgraded have largely remained the same, and do not account for many modifications such as the fitting of electric powertrains.

Minister in a classic… more of this please.
Harper also visited StarterMotor and the Heritage Skills Academy. To have your say, visit Web: online1. snapsurveys.com/classicvehicles. Email: CFE. vehicles@dvla.gov.uk. Post: Vehicle Registration Policy Call for Evidence C2 East DVLA Swansea SA6 7JL.
Danny gave Harper a fanbelt demonstration.

The Call for Evidence from the DVLA will ask motorists, classic car enthusiasts and industry to share their proposals to drive historic vehicles into the 21st century, while prioritising road safety and retaining accurate vehicle records. Mr Harper was quizzed by journalists, including PC’s editor Danny Hopkins and Steph Holloway of YouTube channel Idriveaclassic. He was clear as to why the survey was necessary:

‘The way we manage, improve and protect classic cars has not kept up with the times and evolving technologies. Th

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