Ts project bike back in ps

1 min read

Gary’s bought the ex-PB TS250: now we want to see more ex-magazine bikes out of the woodwork

Gary got his hair cut specially for this photograph

Our Gary has bought the ex-Performance Bikes/Pete Comely TS250 special from the challenge series ‘Duel’. The proto-supermoto two-stroke single is a bit dog-eared, but broadly in the spec it was during its time with the magazine. There wasn’t time before we went to print to delve much further – see more next month.

But it got us thinking – where have the other mag projects gone? PB alone built at least one a year for 33 years – some got abandoned part way through, some got trashed (Forsyth’s CBR695 died over the bonnet of a car, for example), but plenty more got sold on to fund the next build, or a Xmas booze-up in some instances. We know the whereabouts of PB’s final project, an RR8-model Fireblade, but we’ve broadly lost track of the rest.

So we’re asking for intelligence on their whereabouts – if you’ve got ‘Spumph’ in the shed, or ride Dole Bike to sign-on every week, let us know. And that doesn’t just go for PB – if you’ve got an interesting bike from Bike, Super Bike, or any other sports mag of times gone by, let us know. We’ll arrange a feature if any turn up. If not, it’ll just be down to Gary to revive the TS250 and honour British bike mag heritage…

Norton connection

Let it be known that we misunderstood the nature of the fault-reporting on the V4RR/SS models built prior to the V4 SV model now sold. The list of 35 faults was NOT reported to