Sew it, make it, love it!

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Meet the maker

Hannah Kilby is the self-taught artist behind The Handmade Florist, creating vibrant felt flowers. She shares her craft through kits and workshops.

What inspired you to start The Handmade Florist? I fell in love with making felt flowers when on maternity leave 11 years ago. After honing my skills, I started sharing what I’d learned through kits and online tutorials. Two years her ago, I went full-time, having previously balanced it with work in charity fundraising and marketing. How did you develop your style and techniques? My designs are based on real flowers but I play with different colours, shapes and sizes. My style has evolved with practice and experimenting with different tools and methods – I’m still learning all the time. How do you come up with ideas for your kits, and do you have a favourite? I begin with a particular flower, then decide on a colour scheme. Tulips in Bloom is one of my favourites: I love tulips, so I took a lot of time to make sure I did them justice! What does the future hold? I’ve launched an online membership club and love getting out to events and teaching in-person workshops, too, so I plan to do more of those.

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Hannah and (top) one of felt flower kits

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