Find the glasses for you

5 min read

In the know

Most of us will need specs at some point in our lives but understanding what ones work best for our face shapes can be tricky. Here’s what the experts say…

Anyone who wears glasses knows that deciding what ones suit you best is never easy. With so much choice, it can be tempting to go with the style you’ve always worn, especially as it’s not uncommon for a partner to lose interest when they come along to help (‘Those look fine!’ or ‘They’re the same as the other ones!’). And that’s without the added issue of not being able to see what you look like – precisely because you’re not wearing your glasses...

But choosing the right pair needn’t be a headache, says Andrew Williams from Boots Opticians. ‘Making sure glasses are comfortable and fit well is the main priority, but it’s also important that they make you feel good. Knowing the shape of your face gives you an advantage, as certain styles are better suited to different face shapes and can help complement and accentuate your features.’


First, identify your face type. You can do this by taking a selfie (straight on with your hair pulled back) and printing it out. With a thick marker, draw around the outside of your face and a shape should emerge. Or you can download an app on your mobile phone to tell you instantly.

Try Hiface or Find Your Face Shape if you have an iPhone or Apple device.


There’s nothing wrong with choosing frames based on your favourite colour, but certain skin tones are better suited to particular hues. ‘Your skin will either have a warm or cool undertone, and the best way to find out is the quick jewellery test,’ says Andrew. ‘Simply hold two separate pieces of gold and silver jewellery against your skin. If gold looks more flattering then you’re warm toned; if silver looks better then you’re cool toned. If you’re warm toned, these shades will help complement your look: beige, brown, gold, pink, red and green. If you’re cool toned, try black, grey, blue and purple.’

What about your eye colour? ‘Brown eyes work well with warmer tones, such as greens, golds and even tortoiseshell, whereas blue eyes are better suited to grey tones and rich browns. Green eyes work well with earthy tones, but also pinks and purples.’


You’re usually offered the opportunity to add thinner lenses and anti-scratch or anti-glare coatings, options that can end up pushing up the cost of glasses significantly. You don’t need to add any extras but, says Roshni Kanabar from the Association of Optometrists, they can often make a huge difference in comfort and quality. ‘Thinner an

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