What boosts your emotional energy?

1 min read

psychologies.co.uk test

Mindset has a big impact on energy levels, so take our test to identify your personal emotional energy drainer

Tick the answers that most closely apply to you, then add up the symbols. Read the section, or sections, you ticked most, to find out your secret emotional energy source

1 Which of these would affect you most?

♥ Moving job or house and feeling lonely ........................................□

◆ Failing an exam or not getting a promotion .............................................□

● Being laid low by a bug.....................□

■ Anything that clashes with your values ....................................................□

2 When you have spare time you

◆ Catch up or get ahead .....................□

■ Just enjoy the peace ........................□

♥ Invite people over .............................□

3 If possible, you prefer to avoid too much time

● Do some extra exercise or yoga .....□

♥ On social media ................................□

◆ With dull people ...............................□

● Sat at a desk .....................................□

■ Doing routine things.........................□

4 Alow energy day means feeling

◆ Not as productive as usual ..............□

♥ The need to have people around you ............................................□

● Drawn to self destructive habits .....□

■ Lost and lacking in purpose ............□

5 More optimum energy would allow you to

♥ Get the most out of every opportunity ...........................................□

◆ Achieve your goals and be your best self .................................................□

● Feel and look fit, strong and healthy...................................................□

■ Feel clearer about what matters.....□

6 Which of these do you consider your best qualities?

◆ Optimism and a growth mindset ....□

● Motivation and determination ........□

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