
5 min read



FREE MAN Kevin Spacey (centre) was cleared of all charges at his trial in London last year


9.00pm C4 Catch up via C4 streaming

A moral recalibration in the entertainment industry over the past decade or so has resulted, in many cases, in audiences having to separate the art from the artist. The career of Kevin Spacey was, for a long while, a prime example of this – after allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour, his career stalled, while some film fans found revisiting his back catalogue an uncomfortable experience.

Then came the 2022 dismissal in New York of a sexual assault lawsuit brought by the actor Anthony Rapp, which was followed by the 2023 sexual assault trial in London, the outcome there seeing Spacey cleared of all nine charges relating to four men between 2001 and 2013.

And so now, amid Spacey’s attempts to launch a comeback, we get this retrospective from Channel 4, previews of which were unavailable. But we’re told that the two-part documentary (which concludes tomorrow) will explore Spacey’s conduct and talk to multiple men unconnected to the UK case about their experiences of working with the Hollywood star.


12.45pm, 6.45pm Eurosport 2, 1.00pm, 7.00pm BBC2

Apart from a traffic jam outside the garden centre, what could be more Bank Holiday Monday-ish than the hushed tension of the World Snooker final? It’s been another fortnight of high drama. Defending champion Luca Brecel fell victim to the fabled “Crucible curse” in the first round. Attention then turned to whether Ronnie O’Sullivan could take a record-breaking eighth title and become the most successful player of the modern era.

Now comes the waistcoat-clad, cue-wielding climax — the best of 35 frames, played over four sessions. The winner scoops £500,000 and the most coveted crown in the green baize game.


7.00pm C4 Catch up via C4 streaming


What a super series this has been. It’s not always an easy watch, but that’s inevitable with injured animals facing uncertain outcomes.

There’s mixed success with tonight’s casualties, too. A mallard and her ducklings are stranded in a swimming pool, but even after they’ve been fished out their ordeal isn’t over. Other admissions include a juvenile peregrine. She needs to be checked for fractures, and if an x-ray shows up bad injuries, her future will be bleak. Orphaned badger cubs also find their way to South Essex Wildlife Hospital. It’s heartening to see what lengths the team go to in order to create a sett for these rambunctious creatures.


8.00pm BBC1 Catch up via iPlayer

It’s Knockout Week, which, as most viewers will know, has nothing to do with daft sports day challenges and inflatable obstacles. It’s much harder.

The first group of home

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