rampstyle - EN Magazine
30 May 2018
The new rampstyle issue No. 16, "Those 3 seconds"! The Now is in a hurry. It doesn’t even hang around long enough to let us complete one full breath. What we and everyone around us perceive as the “subjective moment” is just about three seconds long. And that was it. Because our brain is only capable of packaging and processing stimuli into a unit of perception for the duration of this moment. Too bad. Or good thing. Because this three-second rhythm can be seen as a clever ecological solution on the part of evolutionary biology, allowing us to surf a bit more relaxed between past and future like on a wave – which is especially helpful in this wild, information-flooded world. Timeless. Because there is no sensory organ separating here. It’s good to make peace with what was and look forward to what lies ahead. Or could lie ahead. Okay, and ideally to enjoy whatever it is that is currently happening in this three-second-experience-realtime package. Carpe diem and so on. The wonderfully intense, consciously lived and experienced (brief) moment. Take a deep breath, hold it in, exhale.
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