7 healthy habits to keep you young

2 min read

Strategies that could take years off your age and help you live a longer, healthier life

Susannah Hickling is twice winner of the Guild of Health Writers Best Consumer Magazine Health Feature


1. Drink more water

Up to 60 per cent of the human body is water and it’s crucial for survival. By keeping yourself well hydrated, you will look and feel better and have improved health. Your skin will benefit, as toxins will be flushed through your kidneys rather than through your epidermis. Water lubricates your joints, helps maintain blood pressure, aids digestion, and keeps your kidneys healthy and your brain functioning properly. Opt for water over fizzy drinks to help with weight control, and instead of alcohol, which ages skin, body and brain.

2. Give up vaping

If you think puffing on a vape rather than an unhealthy cigarette will help you stay young, think again. E-cigarettes contain nicotine, which restricts your ability to heal. Nicotine, together with chemicals in vapes, can cause collagen, which keeps your skin plump and young looking, to break down. What’s more, vaping can cause free radicals to form. These can cause cells to stop working sooner, potentially causing wrinkles and premature skin ageing.

3. Stand up straight

Holding your shoulders back will instantly make you look younger and more confident. More importantly, it improves your balance and helps guard against falls, which are a serious hazard as you age. Keep your head level and in line with your body and pull in your abdomen.

4. Move after eating

Spikes in blood sugar can cause inflammation, speed up the ageing process and lead to type 2 diabetes. But taking exercise after you’ve eaten can help avoid those peaks. Even a short walk or a spot of housework is useful, according to pioneering health science company Zoe.

5. Have a purpose

Having something that gets you up in the morn

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